Vincenzo Cicchelli
Researcher of Gemass (Groupe des Méthodes d’Etude of l’Analyse Sociologique de la Sorbonne) / CNRS, and Professor of Sociology of Youth at the University of Paris 4.
Sylvie Octobre
Researcher at the Department of Forecasting Research and Statistics of the Ministry of Culture and Communication of France, and at Gemass.
Viviane Riegel
PhD in Communication and Consumer Practices at PPGCOM-ESPM-SP. and Goldsmiths College in London (Sociology).
Renato Vercesi Mader
PhD in Communication and Consumer Practices at PPGCOM-ESPM-SP.. Undergraduate Professor Adj.II – Communication and Media Studies at ESPM-SP.
Wilson Roberto Bekesas
PhD in Communication and Semiotics at PUC-SP – Brazil. Living at Lisboa – Portugal- Europe for research purposes.
Joana Pellerano
PhD in Communication and Consumer Practices at PPGCOM-ESPM-SP.